
Swimming With The Chil'ren.

Yesterday the summer fun continued with a trip to the Taylorsville swimming pool with my sister, Amber, her two boys and Bronsynn. It's the first time I have been to a public swimming pool since I was in Junior High!! It was strange when I realized that. This pool is nice and the kiddie area is super fun...I assume...if I were a kiddie. Okay okay I had a ton of fun in the kiddie area, too. I just couldn't help joining in with my nephews. My niece and I spent some time diving for toys in the deep end...well, deep to her. And later my sister came out carrying the boys and we all had fun searching for the toys and making Bronsynn dive for 'em.
Some pics of our afternoon.
Bronsynn being the diva that she is:
Amber helping Dallin toss his water frisbee:

Dallin had a hard time sharing his toys. He was here to take his frisbee back from Bronsynn:
Aiden does this super cute thing where he swims through the water with his hand up as a fin pretending to be either a shark or a dolphin. This was the best I could get out of him when I had my camera. He wasn't interested in giving me what I wanted:
But he was interested in the grasshopper that found itself in the pool. We got the grasshopper to safety, only to have it jump back in the water a nanosecond later - twice!! The second time, he jumped onto a man's shoulder. Luckily Aiden was there to save the man.

Dallin bundled up like a little bug when the wind picked up.
And this is him dancing while we were all snacking on the break:
I love hanging out with these kids. My niece is like a sister...and so totally a teenager right now but she keeps me laughing....and my nephews are the cutest kids I know (of course, I am a little prejudice cuz there are other super cute kids I know...like Jensen Edmunds :).

And guess what? No sunburns!! Go me! It was so so so SO hot but I lathered up like crazy so I wouldn't have any lines. It probably also helped that I was super tan to begin with. But whatever. No lines is a triumph!!


  1. Looks like a super fun day. If that grasshopper came near me it would have gone to see the angels immediately. (and ps - glad to see you giving Jensen air time. He is the cutest...but your nephews are cute too.) ;-)

  2. Jensen says the cutest things!! Your stories of him crack me up!

  3. You're funny and nice and I like you. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the wedding and all of your hard work! Hope it was all perfect this weekend!
