
4th Festivities

After our day of yard work, we continued our celebration of the 4th by doing more yard work!! I can't remember a funner 4th, for realsies! We weren't doing our yard this time though. My sister's wedding is coming up this Saturday so the whole family came together to get things looking top notch. It's a lot of land so it's a lot of work - we worked until 4:00 and then we started getting the pork loins and hot dogs started and the salads put together. Dinner was sooooo goood. I love me some good ol' American BBQ!
Our families old dog, Jagger, loved going in our canal. He always went in for a dip when he needed to cool off and we always enjoyed tossing the ball in for him to retrieve. So why not Bacardi? Well he wouldn't go in by himself so of course we picked him up and tossed him in. It didn't take him long before he was retrieving his own balls...wow that sounds bad.
My dad brought a few of the horses out to pasture and we put the boys on our 1 yr old while she was being led out front. They are so cute!! I love them!!

Among our favorite 4th activities is making bombs out of Piccolo Pete's. They make a monster-size boom and we have a riot with them!

It's fun to see how high it gets once it goes off. Or sometimes we bury the bomb a little and when it goes off, the bottle AND the sand goes sky high.

The kids watched the show from their perch in the bed of the truck:

And mid-bombs, the boys had a chipping tournament:

After all our work to get Bacardi IN the canal, we could hardly keep him out of it! But once he came out, he would roll around in the dirt and come back looking like this:

The kids always have a hard time waiting for it to be dark to do the fireworks, so they get do some sparklers to tide them over. The neighbors kids came over a bit to play and see the horses in our front pasture:

We had icecream and then it was finally dark enough to start the fireworks...although they were still more interested in sparklers than the actual fireworks themselves. They are so cute.
We took a break from those once the city fireworks started. From my parents north patio we can see the fireworks going all over the entire valley. They live near the Oquirrh mountains so we are higher up and we have a fantastic view. Riverton's is the best show cuz it's closer to us but we can also about six or seven other shows at the same time. It's amazing!! And always the perfect way to end the evening.

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