
Bacardi's Unknown Adventure

Look at my dog!!:
Any clue as to how that happened?? Well neither do we. It happened last Wednesday and that's all I do know. I was outside for a bit, taking care of some stuff, and Bacardi was with me. Then I went inside, left him outside, went by the glass door about an hour later and....there he was bleeding from his entire face!! His nose, his left eyebrow, and both of his ears! My first thought was 'What the....how did Glock get in here??' Ha ha - just joking 'Mana!
He almost looked like he got attacked by Wolverine cuz he had three stripes of blood going along his entire face. Of course, I think he just scratched his ears after he did whatever he did to himself.
In the morning, after we let Bacardi out of 'his room', this is what we found:
He had scratched all of his wounds and bled all over the bathroom. He looked even worse!:

Over the weekend, he has done the same thing several times. He makes them larger every time and I am going to be irritated if his fur doesn't grow back. I think we might have to get him a cone...which will suck incredibly because he's gonna look like a moron and it's incredibly unfashionable. How can I have a dog looking moronic and unfashionable?? Wo is me.


  1. Okay, so I know absolutely nothing about what the prob with dog might be, but I can recommend this: ya better get to the vet. Plain and simple. When Sophie had some mystery scratching/bleeding thing going on the vet gave us some cream that helped and was able to check for anything serious. Sophie drives me crazy most times, but I don't like to see her suffer. The vet makes dog and mama happy. Poor Bacardi. =(

  2. Poor Puppy! It sucks when they get hurt and you have no idea how they did it! At least when Jackson is hurt I know why! That is too bad that he is a scratcher... I am lucky that Jackson only licks... only sometimes that is way annoying! Do you need me to come and bandage him up? Sadly... I am a pro and liquid band-aid works like a charm! Love the stuff!!

    ps. I thought the Glock comment was super funny... Spencer - not so much! HA!

  3. Oh shoot!! I didn't think Spencer would NOT think it was funny! Sorry if I offended him :( But I think Bacardi is okay. He stopped itching and it's already half way healed. I should have thought of that though!
