
The Funny Things Kids Say

I'm out at my parents' house right now...there's lots to do for the wedding so I have been spending my days here this week. Anyway...my nephews are here and we took a trip to the Maverik to get some Gatorade to make some popsicles. While we were loading the boys up in their carseats, Aiden showed me his pennies and said "I brought you these dollars so that we can buy, like, 50 Gatorades!" And then he proceeded to count each penny and say "One Gatorade, Two Gatorade, Three Gatorade...." But obviously I had to tell him that seven pennies couldn't buy even one Gatorade and so we would have to buy some cheap candies.

At lunch time, my mom asked Aiden how many chicken nuggets he would like. "Ummm, about 55."

1 comment:

  1. I love kids perception of time, money and what is "a lot". For Jensen, if it's in the past it's "last week". If it's in the future it's "next week". "55" must be a HUGE number to Aiden. It must make him feel real good to know such a big number. Kids are the best!
