
Done Gone Went To a Rodeo

Paul and I started our weekend celebration of the 4th off with some awesome yard work on Friday!! Woohoo!! Okay not really. It sucked. Especially cuz we have done everything we can think of to find where our water line is and we CAN. NOT. find it!! Arrggh!! One happy note is that Teresa and Paul, our good friends in the neighborhood, came by to help and provided a totally awesome Mango Lime drink and lots of laughs. I love those guys!! Teresa was driving by our house and about five minutes after she left, Paul shows up on his scooter with two shovels!! So funny! And Then Teresa came with the super delicious summer drink and helped me dig for our gas line. She did most the work, however, because I was laughing the whole time - which is basically what I do when I am around those two. I love it!

So after the most exciting and thrilling part of our day was over, Paul and I went to this stupid lame boring rodeo with B.J. and Hilary (see the sarcasm there? get it? ha ha - gee I'm funny).

I totally LOVE rodeos!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! They are one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world. I totally miss my rodeo days and I get so nostalgic every time I go to one and I wish that I was the one racing again. One day.......

So here we are in all of our cuteness:
And this is me with Hilary (my someday sister-in-law, but she's been with B.J. for as long as I have been with Paul so basically we are already there - and she's so fun. I love her!):
Since we are all so awesome, we had the best seats of the house! Lower Reserved (which is a fancy way of saying you get to sit in chairs with backs instead of the benches) and third row up (so you don't have the fence blocking your view) and dead center (self-explanatory). We're royalty really, with seats like those.

I have provided some snidbits of the rodeo for those of you who wish you could have been there with us because Rodeo + Paul and Maghann = A Super Awesome Fantastic Time!!
The Grand Opening Ceremony flag dude:

The clown with all of his funny entertainment:
In the picture on the left, the clown was asking a kid in the stands near us if he wanted a hot dog. He goes to his Hot Dog stand and starts throwing stuff in a bowl and then throws the bowl in the cooker. The whole time he's crackin' jokes back and forth with the rodeo announcer and keeping everyone entertained. When he went to get the hot dog out of the cooker, out jumps this cute weiner dog with buns!! The picture on the right, the clown came riding in on his invention - which takes a lot of explaining and I am not going to do that but it was funny.

One really awesome thing that they did was bring out cancer survivors, old and young (one who had a brain tumor when he was only 3), in the wagon pulled by Clydesdales. They told their stories of survival and then the wagon made a trip around the arena and everyone cheered and clapped and gave them a standing ovation. Later on, they did an auction on the cowboy hat the clown is holding in the picture on the right. AA Callisters had this hat signed by all the top competitors of rodeo and they auctioned it off right there and the proceeds went to cancer research. This hat went for $1,100!! And if you look real close to all the rodeo people in the background, you can see that they are all wearing pink. It was a "Tough Enough To Wear Pink" Rodeo.

And the actual rodeo events...all of which I love love love!!
I think I said that before....

Saddle Bronc:

Team Roping:

Calf Roping:

Bull Doggin':
And my sport....Barrel Racing:
There was only one girl who rode well AND got a great score. The rest rode like crap and hit the barrels and sucked major. I can say that because I am the best barrel racer ever. Okay, not really but obviously the reason for that is because I don't rodeo anymore :)...but I am hella good at it and know what I am doing, hence it was super hard to sit there and watch sucky girls in a 'pro' rodeo. WTH?

Mutton Bustin':
Always so adorable!! If you click on the picture you can see the little kid coming through the middle of the sheep....only, he was riding his sheep backwards and holding on for dear life!! The crowd went wild!!

And, of course, bull riding:

I have always wanted to do that. Bulls are fascinating to me. I love watching this event. I love watching it all of course, but bulls are super cool.
Okay so that's are super lame rodeo in a nutshell. Totally sucked compared to our hours of digging a giant pointless hole in our front yard...for the second time.
If I get the videos to load, I will post those too. I have this really fun one of a dog show.


  1. My favorite part of a rodeo is the mutton bustin'. So fun! Would love to see you barrel race - bet you were great. Paul doesn't think it fits with you love of stiletos, but hey, you're multi-faceted.
    Not so quick rodeo story: My two sisters and I were at a rodeo when we were young. We were only a few rows from the front. In front of us were 3 ladies on the robust size. Anyhoo, bull riding starts. Mean bull throws rider in a split second - goes crazy and JUMPS THE FENCE! right in front of us! It heads for the stands. The ladies freak out and fly over their chairs and nearly land on us little girls. Us "Yikes! The bull is out!" Followed by "Yikes! We're going to be squished by big ladies!" We're screaming and laughing the whole time. Ah, good times, good times. Years later, I've never been to a better rodeo.

  2. I love the bull riding! It is my favorite! I agree with Tink, it would have been fun to see you race... maybe you should start back up!!

  3. Been thinkin' about it for sure!!
