My wonderfully athletic, dashingly handsome, stylishly attractive and downright SEXY stud of a husband turns 28 today :) I love this man more today than I did 8 of his birthdays ago and I find more reasons to love him everyday. Like reason #28: he can take such good care of me when I am puking my guts out everyday. He'll run to Walmart at midnight just to get something that 'might' help and he'll happily run to get me whatever food sounds like it 'might' stay down while I'm curled up in a ball on the couch.
This year, since we are going to the arcade tonight with his family and I can't do much for him at home, I decided to be sneaky and I went to his work while a co-worker took him out to lunch. I tied balloons all over his truck and wrote all over his windows.
Then I decorated up his computer with kisses, spanks, more balloons and Snickers! I have been giving him 'spankings' throughout the day. He'll get 28 of them, of course :)
I thought it was funny that I grabbed this balloon:
It was supposed to be just a 2, like the balloon that was just an 8!!
I also taped more balloons to a heart-shaped, strawberry topped cheesecake and put it in the breakroom for him and his co-workers to enjoy...and gave him 3 more spankings with that!
I was in for a surprise though when I went into his office with a handful of cheesecake, snickers and balloons - HE WAS IN THE OFFICE!! They went to lunch earlier than they were supposed to and they got back too fast!! Lucky for me he was in the back with some guys so I was able to get everything done...but just as I was making an escape, he walked through the door and there I was! At least I got everything done before he found me :)
Happy Birthday, you sexy man, you! We figured the day would be full of family, kisses, spankings and whatnot which rendered you pretty much unavailable (that, and Tink was gone all day and I'm pretty much incapable of doing anything on my own), but we'll be by before long with some trinket acknowledging this great day. I know I've got a Victoria's Secret bag around here somewhere . . . .