1. Most of my close friends already know this about me, but I kind of have a temper. I like to think that over the years I have somewhat tamed said temper and grown some patience -which I have - but I'm human and I get mad and when I get mad I tend to think a little violently. For example, I was leaving work one fine day and a blue corvette with a fat ugly man driving it pulls out right in front of me and proceeds to go as slow as he can. Never mind the fact that there are no other cars behind me. Never mind the fact that I was practically passing him when he pulled out in front of me, forcing me to ride his bumper & then slam on my breaks so that I wasn't. That's mistake #1. Mistake #2 happened when the same fat ugly man decides to slam on his brakes further down the road for no reason except to piss me off even more. He stopped so fast and hard that I had to slam on my brakes and swerve in order to miss him and when I passed him, he turned to me and gave me smirk like a 5 year old would. Fury and hell came out of my eyes and if I had a super power, it would have killed him. Why did I tell you this little story? Because the images of things I wanted to do to this man weren't pretty and later I told Paul about it and I shocked the hell out of him. Let's just say I imagined a lot blood, teeth being mashed into the asphalt and the heel of my stilletos I happened to be wearing poking a hole through his head. Yeah I know - I need therapy.
2. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE words/phrases like moist, ointment, tender, mercies, 'tender mercies' and anything else that sounds EXTREMELY GAY. I hate gay words. I hate sayings and phrases that have been repeated countless times. Needless to say, Fast & Testimony meetings equal murder to my ears because 99% of people just get up to tell stories and brag about their children and use words such as "tender mercies." In fact Paul and I call it Story Telling Time cuz it's all anyone ever does. It drives me absolutely insane to listen to "i would be very ungrateful if i didn't get up today" or "i didn't want to come up here but my heart is going so fast that i just knew i had to" or "i just want my husband (blubber, cry, sniff) to know (more blubbering) how much I love (sniff, sniff) him." AAARRRGGGGH. Get some originality people and please shut the F up in the mean time. And for love of all that's holy PLEASE stop saying 'tender mercies.'
3. I love movies but I hate actors. Nice little contradiction since you need actors to make movies but seriously - actors are gay. Even if they are heterosexuals they are gay. If you really stop to think about what it would be like to be on set while shooting a scene and you have to watch an actor/actress suddenly start crying or freak out while they are looking directly into a camera, and then if they have to do it over and over again? Ughh. It's like grown-ups playing make-believe and it bugs me. When I watch a movie, I can't help but wonder about how the scene was shot and how can an actor feel like anything but a retard while talking to a camera while people stand around and watch. I can't stand going to plays for the same reason and I can't stand people who do drama and theatre because most of them are retarded. I know this first-hand from a roommate in college- there really is something wrong with them.
4. I am obsessed with jackets and coats. I have tonz. Every year I end up acquiring two or three new ones and I don't know why. I need shirts to go under those jackets and coats even more than I need the jacket/coat but I still end up with the jacket/coat over the shirt because I just can't resist a kick-ass jacket. Or coat.
5. I can't be around clutter and chaos. It makes me feel claustrophobic and anxious and I tend to freak out a little on the inside. Like for my family's pumpkin carving shin dig - I was a little late and so everyone had already dug into their pumpkins by the time I got there. I had to clean anything off the counter that didn't need to be, wipe up pumpkin guts in unused spaces and throw away paper plates and unfinished soup bowls before I could even think about starting on my own pumpkin.
6. I love music and I love to find music that is not blasting all over the radio. So when I find an amazing artist and that artist happens to find itself on the radio later - I refuse to listen to their song(s) on the radio because then it's over played and I can't risk getting sick of a singer/song that I really love. I do the same thing with the more popularly known singers - like Red Hot Chili Peppers or somebody like that. If I happen to buy their album because I absolutely loved their released song, I never listen to it on the radio because I am going to be pissed if I get sick of that song when I already own the album and I won't want to listen to it anymore.
I apologize that most of that was dark, disturbing and negative. I guess that comes easily to me. Sad. And now I tag 'Mana, Ash-We-Todd, Caryn, Brindee and Mel and if any of you have already done this I apologize and you don't have to do it again. I don't think you will be punished by the Blogger gods.
The Rules for playing TAG:
*Link to the person who tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up
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