
This Is What Happens When...

...you give your nephew a swirly.

This was at the birthday celebration Sunday night. He was laughing so hard and twisting in a way that I couldn't even get his head to reach the water till I had some help. Then Bronsynn had this brilliant idea to have Aiden rub his head on me, but unexpectedly on his way to me, he rubbed his head on Paul!! HI.larious!


  1. My sister Stephanie terrorized my kids in the same way. Just ask Matthew. Ah, the love.

  2. Awe yes the nephew swirly...good times. I'm a little nicer because I never actually got his head in the water...well, maybe it wasn't because I'm nicer, maybe it was because I didn't want Paul to retaliate and get me back somehow. :) We only do it 'cause we love 'em, right? :)
