
This Should Make You Very Proud, Ashley!

Yesterday was a momentous occasion for me. Wait for it....wait for it........

I went....canning!!! Holy crap that is amazing to me! Never thought I would actually get there and never thought I would actually care to go. But I do now and it was my mom's stake day there and so I went along with her and we canned and bought two cases of potato flakes, along with some oats that were already done. I am pretty excited about that. I was going to snap some pics of me and my mom decked out in their very fashionable aprons, gloves, and hats...but I didn't. Some other random person did, though. That was a little weird.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, a post just for me?! I don't know what to say! I am so glad you went canning. But please don't think I'm Homemaker Holly. I have only canned once, and it was with a steam canner last year and I canned peaches. I'm still too scared to eat them. So maybe if I'm starving one day then I will. Love you!
