
I Love Me Some Babies...Horses That Is.

While I was out playing at the house with my family, I visited the new colt that our mare, Dolly, had last week. He's super cute, and looks like he is going to be a Dun. I love love love baby horses. I think I went on a little rant sometime before about how my favorite thing on a baby horse is their noses. I LOVE 'em.

Awwwwww! Look at my pup and the pony making friends!! Friggin' adorable, yeah?

This is the baby daddy, Sunny:
Wanna meet our other horses? I thought so.
This is Junior:
He is named so for looking exactly like his pop, who is this guy, Smokie:
Smokie used to be our stud, but the vet screwed up on a certain surgery and, well, he ain't a stud no more. Never seen my dad so pissed off in all my life!
This is B.J.:
He is the son of my barrel-racing horse, who I trained and raced in High School Rodeo. Only, she died a few weeks after having him. Her name was Bandit, cuz her mark on her face looked like a robber's mask. Hence why he named this guy B.J. - Bandit's Joy. Sentimental, I know.
This is Roxy:
She is a few years old and a really pretty horse.
This is last year's filly. She doesn't have a name yet but she is totally Albino, which is a first with our family of horses:
My horse, Ruby, was sold last year. I was pretty pissed cuz I trained her myself and she's been mine since she was four years old and I was twelve. Her mom, Royal, was also a racing horse but she is super old now and my dad sold her to a family where some kids would have fun riding her. And lastly, Goldie, was put down a couple weeks ago because she broke her coffin bone last year and horses usually never recover from that. She didn't, which sucked cuz she was a good mountain horse and my mom's favorite.


  1. I didn't know you had so many horses! How wonderful! I think horses are in the category with our sweet doggies - man's best friend. They have such inteligence and friendship about them. I'll have to tell you my riding story some day...think Arizona ranch, mud, and rifles and you may come up with the fiasco.

  2. awww... I love your baby horses and all your horses really...

    I didn't know that your horse was sold... that makes me a little bit sad for you. Which horse was her baby? I can't remember.
