
Daily Rant #7

So Michael Jackson is dead. I always loved the early Michael (never cared for the white version of him) and I have always loved his music - seriously, he was awesome. But I don't understand people crying about him dying. Yeah it's always upsetting when someone dies because 'a person is a person no matter how small' but honestly...people are really shedding the tears??? I don't get it. It reminds me of Elvis dying. On one of Elvis' 'death anniversaries', some chick on the news (a fan, not a family member) was literaly in hysterics, crying over Elvis who had been gone for I don't even know how long. Is it just me? Am I super insensitive and hard-hearted? Maybe, but I still don't think it's necessary to cry over a celebrity that you didn't know on a personal level.


  1. I totally agree, it's sad, but he hadn't done anything that great in awhile so what the huge deal! I will say again it's sad though.

  2. I saw that lady on KSL that was freaking out and I was like "are you even kidding me?" I just don't get it either. It is unexpected and sad that he died but it isn't really shocking...
