
Katy Perry Apparently Doesn't Know Sesame Street is for Kids

Here's a Thought:

If you were going on a children's television show....don't you think you would wear an outfit that didn't show three square feet of cleavage?? And Katy Perry has at least that much or more to show. I'd probably let down the hem of that dress a few inches, too, but that's just me and my ridiculously old-fashioned values and terribly out-dated morals.


  1. True, Katy could have asked for something more modest, but what really bugs me about this is the show itself. The people in charge of Sesame Street choose the costumes. I don't let my kids watch this program any more. They have also put out a definition of what makes up a family and lets just say they are more liberal than I am. My kids can learn values from me and not puppets, thank you very much.

  2. I know!! I saw what you are talking about one time and I was ticked off. I know I won't be letting my kids watch it either.
