
Daily Rant #8

I'm sorry but I have to just say that I get extremely bugged by people trying to be healthy but think that by adding whole wheat into their diet they are now 'being healthy'. I'm sorry but no. Doesn't anyone know that wheat has been so hybridized that it's not even the same thing that our ancestors used to eat? People eat way too much of it and the majority of people are sensitive to it even if they don't know it or show signs of it. It's a very common allergen. Yes we still need to eat grains, blah blah blah. I'm not an expert but I just want to encourage people to stop believing all the hype out there. The food industry likes to use this 'whole grain movement' (which isn't a movement really) and say that their cereals and breads are now made with whole wheat so now it's healthy. WRONG. NO. ITS. NOT. Grrrrrrrrr. I'm ranting about this because I just read a COOKIE recipe where the lady says "and I used whole wheat flour to make it healthy!" Are. You. KIDDING. Me??

1 comment:

  1. If you want a real healthy tip, instead of using wheat flower, grind some dried beans and add bean flower to your cookie dough in place of some of the white flour. Don't add too much or it overwelms the cookies, but let me tell you, it totally ups the fiber!
