
Halloween Party #5: Our House on Halloween

On Halloween Night, Paul and I don our costumes once more and deck out our front yard as much as possible (we add slowly ever year!). In keeping up with past Halloweens, we invited our good friends Amanda & Spencer and Becky & Judd over. I look forward to it so much because it's so fun to get dressed up and be dorks with your friends, try to scare the kiddies, eat some food and play around!!
I made a White Bean Chicken Chili and Paul helped me cut up the chicken. I snapped this picture, proving that even Superheros cook!!:
The three of us being super! The Spirit, The Flash and Super Dog!:

I love this picture of Becky and Judd! They are so cute:

Me and Becky:

And all of us being dorks, as mentioned above!:

Judd is our man for hiding in the leaves and jumping out at the kids. We didn't have that many trick or treaters this year, unfortunately, so there wasn't a whole lot of that going on.

And Amanda and Spencer joined us after they took care of all of their Trick or Treaters! They dressed Quinn up as a cow and the two of them went as Cowboys! Quinn looks so adorable, yeah?:

Amanda and Becky making Quinn smile:

Along with being super, my dog is also a total angel, see?? Now everybody go "Awwwwww!!":

I love this picture because it was really late and Bacardi kept falling asleep while he was laying right here. It reminds me of a little kid trying so hard to stay awake for the excitement but not quite succeeding. His head kept nodding and his eyes would droop more and more and finally close only to open again a minute later and start all over again:

We played mini Air Hockey and mini Pool, a little bit of Guitar Hero, and then we played Taboo and Catch Phrase. My friends are so funny and I always laugh a lot!:

I LOVE Halloween!! It's my favorite and this year was super fun!!


  1. I agree, it was super fun! I like our tradition!

  2. I'm behind on the post commenting. We loved your home for Halloween. I tried to direct as much traffic your way. We totally expected someone to jump out of the leaves. My nephews thought your house was "scary", so you had some fans.
