
Summer Play The Madsen Way

I am way behind on this but oh well. I need to get my butt in gear but I can't bring myself to get on the computer much these days.
This little shindig was Sunday August 2, the afternoon that Paul and I came back from Colorado. My little nephew turned five on August 6th, and he had a little water party with all of his friends. We had to celebrate his birthday a little early because he would be at his dad's the following weekend.
Every summer we get out a huge piece of visqueen and stake it down. We then fill up a kiddy pool at the end and we spend hours outside sliding down the grown-up water slide :) The kids also have a little pool and we get out water balloons and squirt guns and the games begin!!

Somebody always seems to get hurt. It's hard to steer and people fall down or fall into each other...as demonstrated by my brother, Morgan. I walked away with a couple bruises myself although surprisingly it wasn't from the following accident.

This was literally the result 60 seconds later:
At least no one got whiplash or a bruised tailbone this time!

My brother and my other adopted brother being retards...figuratively and literally:

When we were all tuckered out of the water sports we conjured together on the other patio and we sang to Aiden and he opened his presents!
He was really excited with all of his Transformer stuff (he loves them) and his soccer goal and his blendy pens!
He's all dressed up as Bumblebee - such a cutie! I love this guy- he makes me laugh every day I see him! I can't believe he's already five - makes me so sad :(


  1. I'm surprised you weren't the one injured after that crash! It looks like a lot of fun. You guys have a great family. Jensen says that he likes to pretend bumblebee shoots. He likes transformers and all that kind of stuff, and he likes Optimus Prime because he's his favorite guy.

  2. You guys are so much fun! I wanna play :-) I feel like the kid from The Incredible who watches in awe and says "That was totally wicked!"
