

Keeping with tradition, Paul and I attended the Western Stampede Rodeo over the 4th weekend. I love it :) I could have, and should have, purchased my tickets earlier so that I could get our reserved seating...but I procrastinated and then there were no Lower Reserved left. So what do I do if I can't get the best seats?? I go to the very tippy top. I don't want anyone's knees in my back, I don't want people walking in front of me obstructing my view and I DO want something to lean back on.

Here we are looking Oh-So-Fabulous in the setting sun:

Enjoying some mutton buston:

I love this face Paul pulled. I don't even know how he did that to his face:

Our view from the top - I love our mountains:

The sunset on my left:

The sunset on my right:

Both of those sunsets occured at the same time right next to each other. I thought that was pretty awesome looking.
Anyhoo - we had a great time. The fireworks afterward were fun. The announcer's stand blared patriotic music while the fireworks sounded off and made it really awesome. Something about the whole country in turmoil over the worst president in history (in my opinion) and the extreme patriotism that seemed to be a big ol' F U to Obama. If only he were there.......
On that note, anyone remember Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks and her statement about Bush that caused such an uprising and led to their music being banned from country music stations?? I ran across this quote from her yesterday.

Maines commented, "The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism. Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country ... I don't see why people care about patriotism."
I don't really have to expound further on that, do I??

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE mutton bustin'! Beautiful sunsets, and as for Paul's faces, tell him I say he's been hangin' around with 11 year olds too long. ;-) He'd probably agree with me (but he is so good with them, so tell him thanks as well).
