
More Snowboarding...

Saturday, Paul and I took Gav and Bronsynn snowboarding again on a whim. We had a lot of fun and Bronsynn is already way better than she was the last time. The only part that sucked, which I knew it would, was that the snow was so packed and the more packed it is, the easier it is to catch an edge and the harder the fall. So I felt pretty bad for Bronsynn cuz the thought of face-planting it on that kind of snow can really psyche you out.
Our view from half way down the mountain and then my honey all bundled up:

Bronsynn acting all tough cuz she's a snowboarding chic now and Gaven all dressed up in his green duds:
There is this one hill that you have to get going on pretty fast if you are going to make it up the following hill. And like I said, the snow was packed and a little icy in some areas. Gaven would usually go down with Bronsynn on areas like these to help her keep her speed AND not fall. If you go too slow, then you either have to crawl up the hill or take your bindings off and walk up and it's not fun (trust me, I know from experience). And Gaven is a super pro boarder so he would get the honors of going down with her. They would face each other and hold hands and tilt on the back edges. Worked pretty good. Then it was my turn to go down with her while the boys took off and did jumps. First time down this particular hill: good. Second one: not good. I can't even remember exactly what happened but I was afraid Bronsynn was going to fall so I let her go so that she could just continue coasting and that's when I caught an edge and it flipped me forward in the air about five feet and I landed pretty frickin' hard. I don't get sore when I board - but I am sore now!! Not fun. We would both get psyched out when we had to do it again and we would fall over each other and laugh and laugh.

And I just had to add this:
Before we left, we stopped at Sports Authority to get our passes. The boys ran in and Bronsynn and I waited out in the car. She got bored and decided that she (being only 13) was going to drive the car to the front of the store. (We all have kind of tended to spoil her and we constantly let her drive down the driveway or down the street or something - don't tell anyone.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, snowboarding...I still have a vivid memory of the fist sized bruise I acquired on my derriere...yowsa! But I'm sure I looked hot up until that point. Love bronsynn's comments and voice quivers as she drives. That's usually me as Matt drives.
