
Landscaping Highs and Woes.

Paul and I had a superb little weekend. We are tearing up our entire backyard and re-doing it. Last week we started ripping up our yard little by little when the time allowed. And the weather was just awesome for yard work. I loved being outside working so very much - and the snow today is putting a big cramp on my plans for the week. Oh well - can't complain when the Lord decides to give you 'moisture', right?
The first to go was the totally ugly retarded brick pathway, then the rosebushes surrounding the deck were dug up and thrown out and the Quakies were poisoned to keep them from coming back when we rip them out, and finally, we worked on ripping out the deck. Initially, Paul and I were only going to sand down the deck, replace a few boards, and re-stain it. However, it was brought to our attention by my mother that the best thing for us would be to get rid of it and put down a concrete patio. Why??? Because my neighborhood has a little rat problem. I don't like admitting that but whatya do? Anyway, we can poison to our hearts content, but they will still keep coming back...because they have built homes under our deck. And the more I think of it, the happier I am because the deck was retarded, too and we didn't really like it but didn't really want to do something about it either. But this will make our yard look so much more spacious and lots lots cuter. We are really excited.

So our progress on our yard so far:

This is the retarded brick pathway mentioned:

All gone!!

Our deck before we started and different phases:

And this is why we are getting rid of the deck:

Paul was working on loosening the bolts to a board that runs along the house when he saw something move and he shouted "Mouse!" I thought: Well that would be weird...too weird, actually. So I said "Was it a mouse or a rat?" And Paul said "Mouse - and there's another one!" So I came and took a closer look and said "Babe - those a baby rats. And Ew." (Amanda, I almost called you because I know how much you love mice...how much more would you love a baby rat?? I know I know, I am too kind!) Paul had uncovered the babies nest and there were quite a few of them. We gathered them up and put them in a bucket - and I will spare you the details of how we disposed of them.

See all the junk gathered together? That would be a rats nest. Ten points for whoever can find the baby rat in the picture!

Nine babies total. NINE!! And nine less rats for us to deal with later on!


  1. GROSS!! GROSS!! GROSS!! I saw the pictures before I read the post and already thought to myself "I think I just threw up a little bit!" so it is really funny that you mentioned me. Oh how I hate mice and rats... big or small... that would have freaked me out! I am glad you got rid of that deck and now I am wondering if I will ever be able to set foot in your backyard...

    ps. I get 10 points... I could spot that nasty little tail a mile away... YUCK!!

  2. oh... but I can't wait to see what you do with your backyard! I am super excited for you guys!!

  3. I feel your pain with the rats. A few months ago we opened our garage door and a mouse scurried away. After recovering from the heart attack, we put out a trap. In 2 days we caught 12 mice...What the?!!!! Our garage got the cleaning of it's life. I still get a jolt when I open the garage door. And, hello, where was our call to come and help rip out the deck? You better ring us next time. I'll bring a casserole.

  4. I think I would have freaked out. I hate mice. Looks like it's a lot of work, but so much fun.
