
Artistic Artists :)

One of my favorite bloggers is super rad Stephanie at What the Jump? She and I have such similar tastes in music that it's kinda scary. She posted about a great artist, Jack PeƱate, that I just love now and I wanted to share the video for Torn on the Platform. It is so dang artistic and creative and fun and I absolutely love great finds like that. This video reminded me of Do You Love Me by Guster. So I have posted both for your enlightenment. It blows me away how people pull something so unique out their minds...thank goodness they share!!

(The guitarist is really hot :) ha ha...hands off he's mine)


  1. I knew from the beginning that you and Steph would hit it off. I'm so blessed to have two such groovy gals in my life.
    And thanks for the intro to Guster. i like it. and that guitarist's arm HAS to be crampin' up.

  2. Hey thanks for the shout out. ;) And, thanks for sharing your music. I always like seeing what you post. I haven't heard this Guster song, but I really like it...and I like the video. Too bad we live so far apart, but at least we have our blogs to bring us closer together. :)
