
Brand New Eyes

I good friend of mine tipped me off on a super awesome good deal on Amazon - Paramore's new album Brand New Eyes for under $4 bucks!!! Yeah baby!!
I bloody love Paramore. Their new album is bloody fanstastic!! I can't bloody stop listening to it. I'm a big fan of Hayley William's voice - I wish I sounded like her. And a very big fan of her red hair. It looks so much better on her than that pukey medley of blonde, yellow and orange. She looked like she should have been the spokes person for Capri Sun.
My favorites are All I Wanted, Brick By Boring Brick & Playing God. But seriously, all the songs are so very good - you just can't go wrong.


  1. First, cool background, chica. Next, I got the Paramore cd for the deal too, what a steal. But my favorite is "The Only Exception".

  2. Well of course you did cuz you are my Amazon informant!! Great song, too. See what I mean? All of it is great.
