
Baby Shower w/ My Ward!

So later on in the evening on Thursday, my ward threw me a baby shower! It was so extremely sweet of them...I felt so very, well, showered!! Har har har.

I really dig the chicks in my ward who helped throw this party and all those women (and man) who came to it! I feel so appreciative of everything!

When I walked in I saw this cute Onesie Banner that Alaina made for me. Love it!!!

Check out this cool balloon - it's going in my baby's room fo' sho':

One of my best friends couldn't make it due to traveling plans, but she was there in spirit...or rather in husband :) If you could read the sticker on his shirt it would say "Hello, My Name is Teresa" :) So clever and cute of them. And Paul (with his cute daughter) came with his own picked out and wrapped up present...a toy sword to fight off the dragons & wrapped in the comics! On the package he wrote: "For the Incubus". Inside joke.

Here am I being so spoiled in presents:

Some of my cool friends that I love:

More spoilage!!!:

The tasty treats and eats at the table!:

And more of my awesome friends:

Seriously, thanks to everyone who put in the time, work & money and for those who came bearing gifts to help us out. Words can't express the gratitude!!

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY wish I had been there, but glad to see my hubby played a good second. He was so proud of all his cleverness. Plus I think a part of him was glad I couldn't be there so he could go in my place - first because he thinks you and Paul are great; second because he loves the attention. ;-)
