

I've been trying to post for a couple days. I could do everything and click on anything and it would work - except for Publish Post. Kind of a precidament, yeah? At first I thought Blogger was having issues and I would just keep checking back. But it turned out, after some web surfing, that it's actually due to the fact that I upgraded to Internet Explorer 9, finally! Apparently IE9, and I think 8, have compatability issues with some websites. Blogger was obviously one of them. So I relied on the brains of other smart people on the web to tell me how to fix it and just in case anyone has the same issue and/or plans to upgrade, click here and scroll down to Method 1: Enable Compatibility View for specific websites in Internet Explorer. Worked just like that. Except now I that I am trying to link websites and bold words, I've noticed the toolbar doesn't work unless it's OUT of compatability mode. Freaking. Perfect. "I love technology......."

1 comment:

  1. I was having the same problems. I had to hit "enter" on the title section of the blog post before it would post and then I kept being recognized as "annonymous". Today is the first day I could post anything under me. I don't know yet if people can post on my blog yet or not. All I have to say, and I quote "Grrrr"!
