
It's A Boy!!

Many of you already know, but here is my official announcement. It #1 has a penis:
Shocked a little?? Yes. I'd always wanted a boy first...but then my mind was completely and totally centered around all things girl the entire pregnancy - actually, it was longer than that. I kept finding all these cute decals that I was going to put in 'her' room and I had all these fantastic, chicy outfits all picked out for pictures and the blessing...all things that will have to go on hold. I didn't know what to think when I saw that picture pop up on the screen! It was a really weird feeling for some dumb reason. Before the ultrasound, everytime I had tried to think of boy names I liked or how I would decorate the room, my mind went completely blank. So I would go right back to picking out the letters that would go on the wall above the crib and the little bee's and flowers and fairies.
In hindsight, I remember one of those times spent browsing the web for such fancy girl things and a brief feeling came to me that it was going to be a boy. It was so brief, however, and my mind was still stuck in fairy fairy land that I didn't pay much attention to it and forgot all about it. Out loud I would say: It'll be what it'll be. And inside I would say: But most likely it will be a girl. Oh, Maghann....ha ha ha. You silly girl.
Anyhooslebees, I love this picture alot:

Here's his footie:

And this, ladies and gents, is Asher Madsen Budd, no longer It#1:

I spent three hours browsing the web for a name, ended up hating them all, brainstormed with my hubbie and dwelled on a name that we had previously liked, tweaked it a little and voi la!!! I was seriously worried that I wouldn't find a name that I would love my boy to have. But now It is a He and He is a Asher and I even have room ideas and the PERFECT picture for it, thanks to my friend's fabulous eye, and I am five months and feeling him kick and get stronger every day and this is beginning to be seriously cool :)


  1. I am so excited for you!!! Yay for little boys - welcome Asher!

  2. Boys Rock! I married one. "Asher" rocks! And that little hand got me all emotional. Can't wait to hold it.

  3. You'll be a cute mama to a little boy. I think it's perfect :). That's so exciting that you can feel him kick! We need to get togeth-a!
