
6 Months!!

 Oh baby!! 

Can I just say that I think my baby is the bomb??

I love his smile, his dimples, his laugh, his expressions, his cute little diapered butt & his cute little bare butt!

I love when he rubs his sleepy little eyes, eats his toe, rolls all over the room like a super stealth ninja to get what he wants, and I even love it when he screams in the middle of sacrament and then laughs at himself :)

He's a ball of fun for me and I just love being his mom!

At his 6 month appointment Asher....

Weighs 19 lbs 10 oz   - 82% (no longer in the 96th but that was to be expected)

Measures 27 inches - 68%

And has a noggin that measures 17.5 inches - 69%

Here are some of the things Asher has been up to and in to in the last couple months:

Just adorable!! Yes, yes, I know!!!


  1. SO ADORABLE! You can shout it out. Good genes! I love this age. It is my favorite baby age. They can't quite move (a ton) but they smile and interact and laugh. Oh it's my favorite. I want to squish him!

  2. This post is adorable as little Asher! We all love him...from dimpled cheeks to dimpled butt. ;-)
