
Daily Rant #1

So only after I wrote that waiting for Midnight Sun to be published was hard, I learned that it was only going to get harder. Apparently she has it on hold "indefinitely" due to a leak of her draft of this book. Visit her website http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/ for the details cuz I don't want to take the time. But can I just say how PISSED OFF I am?? To put up a teaser for the book and get everyone hooked on it and excited to go buy a pretty matching book to put up beside all of the Twilight books and then...CRUSH...say you are putting it on hold indefinitely because you feel violated?? Well thanks a lot Stephanie Meyer because now I am mad at you. Life's not fair - it wasn't fair that your copy made it on to the internet without your permission and it's not fair for you NOT to finish it and leave all your fans hanging like you just did. Not a good thing to do to people who have spent their money making you a millionaire and were prepared to do it again. Not a good thing to give people something that they really wanted and then rip it away. I think it's one of the dumbest decisions she ever made. (And I know this sounds like I am an obsessed and crazy die-hard fan - I am not obsessed or crazy but I am a fan and I was looking forward to this book more than I was looking forward to the movie.) The angry me says "F YOU Stephanie Meyer!!!" and the sad me says "Please finish writing it and get it published...pretty please (with sad puppy dog eyes) PLEASE!!! Do IT!! Do It Right Freaking Now!! I will be your WORST nightmare if you don't do this!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I HATE you right now!!" Oh wait, that was still anger... hmmmm....I must be too angry to feel sad. I am torn though - to read the entire draft on the chances that she may or may not finish or not to read the draft so that it's not ruined for me if she does decide to publish it. Aaaargh.


  1. Maghann... tell us how you really feel! She really won't write anymore... I totally agree with you about just writing it because we did make her a millionaire and she owes it to us!!

  2. I am mad now too!! I got very excited and now I am just mad. Let's go find Stephanie and let her know how we feel.
