
Confession #4

I am secretly (or not so secretly) enjoying being jobless. Do I want to go back to work? Yes indeed. However, it is extremely nice not to have to. I dig it. In the two months that I have been laid off, I have never been bored. I have stuff to do all the time and if not...how can you be bored with a good book? You just can't. So although I am still very much available to work (anyone...anyone??), I could get used to this! Oh wait...I already have. Ha ha ha ha. :-)


  1. I would like you not working, however I never see you any more than when you did work. Which is lame. I wish I lived closer to you! And please don't think we'll stop hanging out with you guys once we move. We WILL find a way! You see, my sister in law lives in Salt Lake and is always begging me to leave Makaili with her. So now I will. And it will be good. And you will be happy. The end.

  2. I agree - you should live closer! Provoians. What are you thinking? :-) I love your story - it brought me to tears! Oh how I love my Ash-reTodd :-)
